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"To Launch and To Learn"

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What's Happening?


Christian Jarrett working hard on the 3D printed CubeSat slides for the next CSR.


Our Chief Engineer, Gabriela Delacruz, working with Grant Walker. Grant is a first-year here at Career Tech.


Josephine Fedor checking on our survey results.


Michael Parks, our Project Manager, is shown working with the Design team on creating the teams' Con-Ops.


Grace Betterton is working on updating our statistics about the battery and camera. The camera is being added to the CubeSat.

Outreach Team

The Outreach Team is working up our First YouTube Video.

3D Printing

We are now 3D printing a transceiver. We will put it in the CanSat so we can receive data and send it to UAH from the lower earth Atmosphere.

Surviving Covid

Our Leaders are pushing through. It may be hard to hear through the mask and, it may get stressful working with the small groups but, Gabriela Delacruz and Michael Parks remember the bonding game nights after presentations or stressful weeks. They remind the first-years that it gets better and it's worth all the hard work. Through covid our leaders have done outstanding jobs.

Contact Us

Thank you for your information we will get with you soon!

LC Locomotion is a STEM based engineering class located at the LCCTC, Corresponding with the UAH ExCITE program founded right here in Alabama ranging from 10th-12th grade. As a team we're making a Cube Sat, a rocket to launch it, and a P-pod to deploy it. We are so Excited to take you all on this journey with us.

Check us out on our other social media!

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What's Happening?


Mason Butler and Christian Jarrett Showing off the CubeSat Design!!


Our Chief Engineer, Gabriela Delacruz, working with Grant Walker. Grant is a first-year here at Career Tech.


Josephine Fedor checking on our survey results.


Michael Parks, our Project Manager, is shown working with the Design team on creating the teams' Con-Ops.


Grace Betterton is working on updating our statistics about the battery and camera. The camera is being added to the CubeSat.

Outreach Team

The Outreach Team is working up our First YouTube Video.

The Final Design

The Team is now preparing for our Final Presentation. Our project was a hard journey, calculations and all. We would like to thank The UAH ExCITE Project for giving us this opportunity. We have learned so much through it all and hope to do something like this again one day.

Click On Me!  :)

Latest YouTube Video

Hello everybody, thank you for your support in watching this video. It means a lot to us if you liked and subscribed, and check out our other videos. If you would like to see more, go check out our other Social Medias and don't forget about our Survey

Surviving Covid

Our Leaders are pushing through. It may be hard to hear through the mask and, it may get stressful working with the small groups but, Gabriela Delacruz, Michael Parks, and Reinik Nunn remember the bonding game nights after presentations or stressful weeks. They remind the first-years that it gets better and it's worth all the hard work. Through covid our leaders have done outstanding jobs.

Contact Us

Thank you for your information we will get with you soon!

Limestone County
Career Tech Center

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